Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Timed Writing - Tuesday 4/29

If you did not see the film at UNI yesterday, you still are responsible for doing SOME reflective writing.  Scroll down to the TKaM test below and write about another theme from the book.

If you did see the film, you made some connections that Nicky's story has to themes that we studied in To Kill a Mockingbird.  For this Timed Writing:

1. Create a new Document in your English 9 folder.  Call it "QT4 Writing."

2. Choose one of these prompts to answer:
  • Explain how one of the themes was shown in the film Nicky's Family:
  • Explain the characterization of Nicky.  What kind of person was he? How do you know? Remember, characterization is shown by:
    •  the character's own thoughts/feelings/actions, as well as
    • how others think of/feel about/ act towards the character
3.  Take a couple of minutes to write your thesis sentence and plan at least three supporting ideas.  Each idea needs to be broad enough to include two or three details from the text as well as commentary, so each idea will have its own paragraph.

4.  Write about it for 18 minutes.  I will time you if completed during class, otherwise time yourself.  

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