Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Career "Paper"

We have been working on the career pamphlet research project.  Here are content requirements:

  • Introduction - explain why YOU chose to research this career.  You WILL use the word "I," but avoid saying "we" or "you."
  • Include at LEAST these four categories.  Depending on your career, you might split them up into sub-categories (eg. 1. Education. 2. Training rather than 1. Education and Training)
    • Job Description - what they do
    • Education & Training - training needed before getting the job, or needed to keep it
    • Income & Benefits - monetary pay and benefits as well as other good things they get
    • Job Outlook - how likely is a person to get this job in Iowa in the future 
  • Conclusion - personal reflections about what you learned about the career. You may discuss how interested you are in having this career now, compared to how inteersted you were before we started the research project.
  • At LEAST three different sources used. Be able to show me which information came from which source (in other words, use the Career Notes file I made for you)
  • Bibliography (we will work on this Monday 12/2 during class)
Here are the appearance/presentation requirements:

  • Headings for each section (the four points listed above)
  • At least one picture (photo, clipart, drawing, etc)
  • At least one other different text feature (callout, sidebar, diagram, table, graph, timeline, etc)

Here is a link where you can find a lot on information about hundreds of careers.  You may use these files as one (1) source. Just remember, you need information from at LEAST two other sources, and you need to cite what information you got from each source in your Career Notes file.
UN: centralms
PW: chargers