Thursday, September 26, 2013

Symbols in "Masque..."

As we learned today, "The Masque of the Red Death" is chock full of symbols.  Here are the ones you came up with:
colors (pick one)
costumes and masks
dreams (performers)
gates welded shut
light from hall
limited view of rooms
Red Death (disease)
Red Death costume

For homework, choose three of your favorite symbols above.  Brainstorm a list of possible meanings they could have outside of the text.  For example, the tripods holding the braziers could represent three stages of life, the three fates from Greek mythology, or could be an allusion to the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).  See how many connections you can make to the symbols.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Still sick. This stinks.

I managed to get everybody's Call of Cthulhu essay graded. Good for me!
Wednesday you will get a writer's workshop day to revise your papers.  Read over your comments and respond to any you are unsure about. Feel free to talk to people in your group or others in the class (especially if they got two blocks higher than you on an area of the rubric).

Most common mistakes:
1. Using "I" or "you." This is bad, just don't do it.  Changing one's wording away from these pronouns automatically makes the paper sound more formal.
2. Vague or erroneous examples from the text. Make sure you get characters' names spelled right, folks!
3. Language is too informal. This goes along with number one.  Use specific, sophisticated word choice in your natural voice. Also, don't repeat the same words over and over (eg. "creepy").

Oh, and if you don't have a graded rubric in your drive [Yourname Cthulhu Rubric], it means one of two things:

1. You're new to the class (Hi, Yasmine!)
2. You're one of the four people whose papers are in various stages of "I-didn't-do-it." We can talk with your parents about other options if you aren't going to do the work (which means you will also be removed from ELP). In other words, get to work, people!

Monday, September 23, 2013

"Masque of the Red Death" assignments

Here's the plan, folks:

9/23 - After reading the first four paragraphs, draw a blueprint (bird's-eye view) of what Prospero's party rooms would look like.  This is an all-or-nothing three-point Classwork assignment.  If your plan incorporates the details we know about the rooms, you get credit.  If you don't include the elements Poe describes, you will have to redo it.  I'm looking for:
Lighting (the braziers in the hallway)

Because we need to talk about the setting Tuesday, you will lose 1 point of credit if it's late.

If you would rather write than draw, describe how you would build the sets for each room if you were putting on a play or shooting a video. Write enough so that you include Poe's details, but understandable to the average sixth-grader.

9/24 - I'm home sick.  Well, that's just great  >:P
1.  Share out floor plans with people at your table.  Then do a brief 2-minute gallery walk to check out how other people designed the rooms.

2. Read the story aloud as a class.  I don't care if the sub reads it, or if the shortest person who wants to read aloud does it.  Either way this is some pretty chewy prose, so give everybody a break, OK?

3. As a class, discuss what might be the THEME (lessonaboutlife) of the story.  Come up with three possible ideas for a theme, then think about evidence for each.  As a class, someone needs to post your three ideas for the theme and the evidence of the best theme on the blog.  Just add a comment to this post!  You will probably have to sign in under a account.  Sign it "Group 1" if you normally start the day withe me, or "Group 2" if you normally start with Oberheu.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy Labor Day!

Tuesday it's back to work!  Complete these in order:

1. Read "The Call of Cthulhu" Part II: The Tale of Inspector Legrasse (read below if you don't want to have to find the selection in the full text link).  I will try to get the audio cued up for the substitute, but I'm sure one of you can find the link if there's a problem.  Part 2 starts at 00:19:30.  Stop the audio at Part III so you have time to work.

2. Exit Ticket: Write a diary entry from the point of view of either Inspector Legrasse, Prof. Angell or the Narrator.  Explain what "you" think is REALLY going on with the cultists in the swamp.
Use the description of the idol found by Legrasse to draw or sculpt your own version of what Cthulhu should look like.  Use the detailed description from Part 2.

3. Work on your "Call of Cthulhu" writing assignment (see post from last Friday) or your Cover Letter.

I will be online periodically to check emails, so if you have a question send it to:

I promise to reply to everybody.