Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mostly so I don't forget...

For every scene in the play, you need to write a summary no longer than fifteen (15) words.  It doesn't have to be a complete sentence, just tell the important plot/character/theme events of the scene.  Here's an example:

For QT4, you may do your independent project on Romeo and Juliet instead of your independent book.  If you have a different idea for a project you would like to do (like a short research paper on the topic of your choice), see me about it.

Extra Credit Options:

People who got an "A" on their To Kill a Mockingbird paper don't have to do as much work for their R&J paper/project.  They only have to write a plan for a characterization/theme paper or write a rough draft.  If you got an "A" on your TKaMi paper and you choose to do a R&J project or turn in a revised paper, you will earn extra credit (+5-10% to your grade)!


People who get A's or B's on independent projects for all 4 quarters will earn extra credit (+5-10% to your grade)!

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