Hey, gang! here's the plan this week.
Monday - Act I Scene 5. Whole-class reading, discussion, video if we have time.
Tuesday & Wednesday - Act II Scene 1&2 (small groups)
Thursday & Friday - Act II Scene 3 (small groups)
You should use Independent/Partner work to revise your TKaM papers, finish any missing work, or start planning and working on your R&J project.
During Collaborative Group time, read the information linked below to prepare for Friday's reflective writing:
Friday Reflective Writing:
There are certain traits common to Shakespearean comedies or tragedies (see links above). Romeo and Juliet starts out like a comedy, and through the action of the play becomes a tragedy.
1. Explain in what ways the play is like a comedy. Address each of the elements from the article (language, love, plot twists, identity). Then,
2. Explain why you think Shakespeare wrote it as a comedy-turned-tragedy. How do the elements of a comedy enhance the tragedy?
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