Thursday, October 3, 2013

Short Story Group Assignment

Today you chose (or were put into) your groups.  Each group will choose a short story from Unit 1 to read and analyze.
NO ONE may choose "The Most Dangerous Game."  That will be part of your final assessment for the short story unit.  Feel free to read it for funsies, but you can't do it for this assignment.

After reading your story, discuss the questions at the bottom of the page as a group.  Each group is responsible for turning in ONE paper (or shared Drive document) for the bottom questions (Literary Element and Reading Strategy).

In addition to the group paper, you are responsible for doing the "Respond and Think Critically" questions at the top of the page.  If it turns out you didn't like or understand your story, or if you just want to read more, you may choose a different one to read and do the  "Respond and Think Critically" questions for that.

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