Thursday, October 17, 2013

Text vs. Video: The Tell-Tale Heart

You need to read "The Tell-Tale Heart" and be ready to write a short essay about it tomorrow.
We will watch the video again so you can take notes on film conventions that you notice.
There are two options for your paper based on your class:

REGULAR: Explain how the text conveyed the mood, tone, or theme in a different way than conventions used in the video.

BOTH/EITHER: Explain how the video OR text conveyed the narrator's madness (characterization).

ADVANCED: Analyze repetition and internal symbolism in the video, OR external symbolism in the text.

Here are some links to help with your homework:

Full Text

Audio and Text 1

Audio and Text 2

Video version

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Short Story Take-Home Test

Read and analyze short story elements in either "The Most Dangerous Game" or "The Lottery." An electronic full-text version of each story is available in the Short Story tab above.
Answer the questions below in complete paragraphs.  You should have one solid paragraph for every five points a question is worth.
If using Drive, call the file "[Yourname] Short Story Test"

1. From what point of view is the story told?  What effect does the narrator's point-of-view have on the theme or tone?  (5 pts)

2. Identify and explain at least two examples of foreshadowing (clues about something that is going to happen). (5 pts)

3. What kind of conflict occurs (types in notes, or on p.9)?  Explain. (10 pts)

4. Analyze one of the characters using at least five methods of characterization:
physical description, their words, their actions, their thoughts, their feelings, their motivations, others' actions toward them, others' comments to/about them
What type of a person is the character and how do you know?  (10 pts)
5.  Explain the theme of the story and how it was conveyed.  (15 pts)

6. Finally, do you feel that you have to suspend your disbelief when reading this story?  Why or why not? (5 pts)

TOTAL = 50 points

*NOTE: This is a BIG chunk of your grade, because Independent Projects will go on QT2. grade!!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

"Blues Ain't No Mockin Bird"

You have some options for this assignment:

1. Complete the questions 1-9 at the end of the story.  Make sure to discuss each idea completely (don't just write a couple words for each)

2. Write 2-3 paragraphs to describe HOW one of the main characters is characterized in the story.

3. Explain how the hawks are a symbol for the grandparents.  Assuming they are a symbol, what would the hammer be a symbol of?

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Short Story Group Assignment

Today you chose (or were put into) your groups.  Each group will choose a short story from Unit 1 to read and analyze.
NO ONE may choose "The Most Dangerous Game."  That will be part of your final assessment for the short story unit.  Feel free to read it for funsies, but you can't do it for this assignment.

After reading your story, discuss the questions at the bottom of the page as a group.  Each group is responsible for turning in ONE paper (or shared Drive document) for the bottom questions (Literary Element and Reading Strategy).

In addition to the group paper, you are responsible for doing the "Respond and Think Critically" questions at the top of the page.  If it turns out you didn't like or understand your story, or if you just want to read more, you may choose a different one to read and do the  "Respond and Think Critically" questions for that.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"Masque of the Red Death" Essay

Your assignment is to explain three symbols from "The Masque of the Red Death."  Think about what the symbol's role was in the text, what that thing literally does in real life, and what it could represent in a larger setting or what connections people make when they think of it.

For each symbol, use a heading and write one or more paragraphs explaining what it represents. Include a graphic for each topic (see below).

Decide what you think the theme is for the story.  Before you write about symbolism, write a brief introduction explaining the theme and the importance of symbolism in the work.
Connect each of your symbols to the theme using the best evidence from the text.

You need to include school-appropriate images in your paper that represent the symbol and your ideas about it.  Include one graphic for each topic (three total).
You MAY create your own graphics instead of search for them!  We can scan your drawing/painting/etc. to put in your document, or you can design it using software.  If you create your own original graphics (or graphic design) that reflects the symbolism, that will count as all three images.
However, this is still a paper, not a travel brochure.  Your text should take up twice as much room on the page as your graphics.  Do not fix this by simply increasing your font size and changing formatting!  Write more about the topic, or shrink your picture.