I managed to get everybody's Call of Cthulhu essay graded. Good for me!
Wednesday you will get a writer's workshop day to revise your papers. Read over your comments and respond to any you are unsure about. Feel free to talk to people in your group or others in the class (especially if they got two blocks higher than you on an area of the rubric).
Most common mistakes:
1. Using "I" or "you." This is bad, just don't do it. Changing one's wording away from these pronouns automatically makes the paper sound more formal.
2. Vague or erroneous examples from the text. Make sure you get characters' names spelled right, folks!
3. Language is too informal. This goes along with number one. Use specific, sophisticated word choice in your natural voice. Also, don't repeat the same words over and over (eg. "creepy").
Oh, and if you don't have a graded rubric in your drive [Yourname Cthulhu Rubric], it means one of two things:
1. You're new to the class (Hi, Yasmine!)
2. You're one of the four people whose papers are in various stages of "I-didn't-do-it." We can talk with your parents about other options if you aren't going to do the work (which means you will also be removed from ELP). In other words, get to work, people!
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