Objective: Research and analyze at least three examples of cultural symbolism in Poe's "Masque of the Red Death."
Due: Complete all Tasks and hand in (Process and Paper Draft 1) by Monday, 9/24/2012
Whole-Class Tasks:
I. Read "Masque of the Red Death" as a class.
II. Discuss potential symbols (Red Death, Prospero, guests, colors, number 7, clock, castle, masquerade, dream imagery, art imagery, apocalyptical/biblical allusions, Shakespearean allusions)
Independent Tasks (do all in order):
1. Choose three symbols you are most familiar with or interested in. NOTE: Do not choose Shakespearean allusions unless you are very familiar with Willie Shakes., and don't choose biblical allusions unless you really know your religious references.
Write your symbols in the top Main Idea sections of the Frame Graphic Organizer.
2. Reread the story, noting in your text every description or use of your three symbols. That means you must physically (or electronically) mark up your paper. I recommend using three different colors of highlighter.
3. Research what the symbolism of your examples could mean. Write the three ideas you think are most applicable in the spaces below. Include the annotation number in the circle, and a corresponding bibliography on the back. For example: 7 deadly sins (1), 7 stages of man (2), 7 days in a week (3), religious significance (4), great song by Prince (5)
1. Catholic teachings on sin and virtue going back to 4th century (me + wiki)
2. Shakespeare, As You Like It
3. Common sense, could also be biblical
4. Lots of stuff - wiki
5. Prince, "7." Love symbol album, 1992. This one's a joke, folks.
4. Plan your paper. Combine the best examples from Poe (evidence) with your own ideas and research (commentary). You must write about at least three ideas. These can be three different symbols, three interpretations of one symbol, or a combination. I'm looking for a total of nine solid ideas analyzing Poe's use of symbolism; the format is up to you.
5. Draft your paper. We will use the same rubric as before. This time you will be graded on Intro, Topic Sentences & Transitions, Evidence, Commentary, Style/Word Choice/Sentence Structure, and Conventions.
Got it? You will be given at least 20 minutes in class for the next four days. We will use drafts of your papers to practice peer review, resision process, and writing conclusions next week.
Ask for help if you need it! Good luck, and have fun!
UPDATE! You will start independent work on the story tomorrow, 9/20. I will go over expectations and examples with you tomorrow. Paper Draft 1 and process notes are due Wednesday, 9/26.